"...Hana Umami Red is a brilliant, shimmering star in today's moving coil cartridge universe. Most enthusiastically recommended."
“…solid “A” rating. The Ovation simply blew the tonearm off a Technics SL-1200G, when the direct drive table sounded significantly inferior.” - Jerry Seigel, 10audio.com
"...I think the sonic improvements justify the price as this seems less like production refinements and more like an evolutionary leap."
The DS Audio Grand Master Extreme makes the front cover of Hi-Fi News in the UK.
Watch the Clearaudio Factory Tour + 45th Anniversary Party video by Michael Fremer of TrackingAngle.com
“Hana has made a cart with high resolution with a wonderful tonal balance that delivers magnificent sound...and a component that’ll make waves in your system. The Umami Blue is a must-upgrade for your analog setup.”